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If you want to a good teacher then lesson plans are indispensable. As they say in management, "he who fails to plan plans to fail”. A teacher without a lesson plan can never be effective and the students would only struggle through the year.

Thus you need a lesson plan for the following reasons:

1. Lesson plans help the teachers to be organized
2. It helps the teacher to be confident
3. It helps him/her to be methodical and progressive with the students
4. It makes for easily assimilation by students
5. It produces great students
6. It makes a great school


1. State the Lesson Objective - Make sure that you know exactly why you are teaching this lesson.

2. Teach and Model Behavior Expectations - Set out on a successful path by explaining and modeling how the students should behave as they participate in the lesson.

3. Use Active Student Engagement Strategies - Don't let the students sit there bored while you "do" your lesson.

4. Scan Peripheral Students and Move Around the Room - While the students apply their new skills, don't just sit back and take it easy. Now's the time to scan the room, move around, and make sure everyone's doing what their supposed to be doing.

5. Give Specific Compliments for Positive Behavior - Be obvious and specific in your compliments when you see a student following directions or going the extra mile.

6. Question Students to Develop Critical Thinking Skills - Ask Why, How, If, and What Else questions to strengthen student comprehension of the issues or skills at hand

By Beth Lewis

Lesson Plans are the meat and potatoes of your teaching career. By explicitly determining your lesson's purpose and how your instruction will meet that objective, you increase your students' chances of success every hour of each day.

1. Write Lesson Plans Clearly

2. Implement Lesson Plans Effectively

3. Quick Multi-Purpose Lessons

Write Lesson Plans Clearly

Whether you are working on your teaching credential or providing specific documentation to your administrator, it's important to write clear and effective lesson plans.
A. Writing A Strong Lesson Plan in 8-Parts
B. Blank Lesson Plan Template
C. What Does a Great Lesson Look Like to Your Students?

Implement Lesson Plans Effectively
Here's where the rubber meets the road in your instructional efforts. After you've flushed out the details of your lesson plan, it's time to deliver your instruction as effectively as possible.
a. Challenge Your Students by Asking the Right Questions
b. Hold Your Students' Attention with Ease
c. What Evaluators Hope to Observe in Your Classroom
d. What is a Rubric?
e. How to Create a Rubric Step-by-Step

Quick Multi-Purpose Lessons
Sometimes you need quick, simple lessons that can be implemented in a pinch with zero fuss. Keep these easily adaptable lessons handy at all times.
a. No-Prep Bingo Learning Game
b. Impromptu Speech Topics
c. Describing a Picture Lesson



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