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Hi, my name is Socio. I like to be your pal.


You know something?


I love to take notice of things around me. Don’t get me wrong. I am not a scientist or journalist. But you see, you get to learn a lot from the things around you and that happens around you. Let me share this with you.


John Hopkins International School’s International Day

My friend Jerome attends John Hopkins International School. June 24 was what they called their International Day. And guess what? He invited me along and of course I went with him.


Everything went on fine. The part I enjoyed most was when they (the students) staged a match past of the different countries of the world. Guess how thrilled I was to see the different nations match past in their official or traditional costumes, waving their national flags. You know the best part? It was actually the "Presidents” of these countries that were present and did the match past.


Whao! I got to see "Barack Obama”, my senior brother who is the in-charge at the white house, "Amadou Toumani Touré” of Mali, "Jens Stoltenberg” of Norway, "Dmitry Medvedev” of Russia, "Muhammad Hosni Mubarak” of Egypt, "Jens Böhrnsen” of Germany, "Zillur Rahman” of Bangladesh "Paul Biya” of Cameroons, "Nguyễn Minh Triết” of Vietnam, "Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj” of Mongolia, "John Atta Mills” of Ghana, "Hamid Karzai” of Afghanistan, "Raúl Castro” of Cuba, "Felipe Calderón” of Mexico, our own dear "Goodluck Jonathan”, "Jacob Zuma” of south Africa and of course "Nicolas Sarkozy” of France, plus many others. Mine, they looked so well kitted that I felt some envy. Why I am not the one in those outfits matching past?


It is a novelty that I have never seen before in schools - appreciating other countries, their cultures and their ways of life. What a way of removing biases in youths at the early stage. You know my friend Jerome was the "President” of France. Mr. France is what we now call him and how much he loves that name. You want something from him? Just say Mr. France, no matter what it is, he would do it for you. After all he is now an international man, the "President” of one of the most powerful nations on earth, France. Actually my friend has never been to the airport before.


I just wondered - can this not be translated into our "local content”? Let the schools have Nigerian National Day, on which day students will represent the different ethnic nationalities, their monarchs, culture and ways of life? If my friend who knows about France only from his geography book can be so elated at the idea of been the "President” of France for some few hours, how much good will it do the psyche of us students to be (for some few hours) the Etsu Nupe, the Obi of Onitsha, the Oni of Ife and the Shehu of Borno. National unity lies in our hands. Little things we so neglect matters a lot. Let us build the blocks.


Meanwhile, I shall be going over to Mr. France’s ("Nikolas Sarkozy”) home this weekend to spend the mid-term holiday. Au revoir.  À tout à l'heure – from Socio, your social pal.  


Quoi de neuf ?   (What's new?)  Send me your social events and experiences. Send it to Socio – the social pal using this email address; info.exced@gmail.com





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