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Prospects of the Nigerian Education Sector

The Federal Government of Nigeria has for a long time adopted education as an instrument for national development. This explains why education is on the front burners of the policies of all the tiers of government in the federation.

According to an IBE report compiled by Ebele Maduewesi, Nigeria has taken the following initiatives in improving quality and standard of education:

The expansion and access to formal education

The setting up of government agencies to care for disadvantaged groups, drop-outs and the disabled.

Placing education on the short list for legislative action so that the government shall direct its policies towards ensuring that there are equal and adequate educational opportunities at all levels.

The government has financed all curricular development efforts at primary, junior secondary and teacher-training education.

Prospects of the system include and not limited to:

Source of high labor employment

Opportunities for growth in the number of schools both private and public

More foreign investments

Specialized training

Introduction of more and new courses


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